Start at 09.00 |
Part 1 – Public Session |
Working language German and Czech with interpretation. |
09.00 |
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09.10 |
Welcome of participants, introduction to agenda of the meeting (Miroslav Maly, ENVIROS). |
09.10 |
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09.30 |
Introduction of participants |
09.30 |
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09.45 |
Welcome and brief information about Frydlant microregion (Mr. Petr Pavek, mayor of Jindrichovice pod Smrkem and head of Frydlant microregion) |
09.45 |
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10.15 |
Presentation of current status of energy strategy of Frydlant microregion (Mr. Petr Pavek / representatives of municipalities) |
10.15 |
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10.45 |
Introductory presentation of the project “Integrated Energy Plan of Frydlant Microregion” introduction of the members of project team and brief summary of objectives, contents, terms, outcomes and time schedule of the project (Jaroslav Jakubes, ENVIROS) |
10.45 |
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11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00 |
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11.45 |
Detailed presentation of the contents of individual phases of work programme and tasks of each member in the project (Jaroslav Jakubes, ENVIROS) |
11.45 |
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12.00 |
Proposal and discussion about composition and role of Steering Committee of the Project |
12.00 |
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12.15 |
Introduction of each project partner (project partners), their key capabilities and role in the project (each partner, moderated by Miroslav Maly): ENVIROS (Jaroslav Jakubes), POWER SERVICE (Antonn Kottnauer), LEV (Helga Rally / Gerd Ulz), ITUT (Sibylle Janus / Bernd Eue) |
12.15 |
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12.30 |
Discussion |
12.30 |
End of morning session |
12.30 |
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13.00 |
Lunch break |
Start at 13.00 |
Part 2 – Working Session |
Working language English |
13.00 |
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15.00 |
Presentation of contract / payments issues, contents of individual phases of work programme, proposed role of individual partners in the project, outputs of individual phases, reporting, project meetings, workshops and dissemination activities (J. Jakubes) |
15.00 |
15.30 |
Presentation of individual partners’ views about their role in project in-depth discussion about above mentioned issues (all participants, moderated by J. Jakubes) |
15.30 |
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16.10 |
Identification and discussion of basic bottlenecks, barriers and problems that could influence the project implementation (all participants, moderated by J. Jakubes) |
16.10 |
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16.30 |
Outline of approach to Phase 2 and Phase 3 (J. Jakubes) |
16.30 |
Planned end of working session |
16.30 |
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17.30 |
Transfer to Jindrichovice (approx. 10 km from Frydlant) and site visit at Jindrichovice biomass district heating source supplying public buildings in the municiaplity |
17.30 |
– |
Transfer to Prague (ENVIROS + LEV) |

Minutes Of The Meeting
- Welcome of all participants, agenda – moderated by Miroslav Maly – ENVIROS, s. r. o.
- Welcome of all participants and introduction to agenda of the meeting. Project, that has started since 1st January 2003 is a project supported by SAVE programme of the Commission of EC. The project should demonstrate possibilities of elaboration of a comprehensive energy plan at the level of microregion and possibilities of replication of the approach in other region in other countries. Project will be elaborated in a close cooperation with municipalities of the Frydlant microregion. One of the results will be an identification of concrete projects ready to be implemented.
- Introduction of participants
- All participants have introduced themselves and their institutions. The list of participants is included in and Annex 2.
- M. Maly apologised absence of participants from Czech Energy Agency (CEA) and State Environmental Fund (SEF) who were invited to the meeting but could not participate due their busy time schedule. Both CEA and SEF are willing to participate in the Steering Committee of the project and will be informed about the results of this meeting.
- Welcome and presentation of Frydlant and SeCeSe microregions. Presentation of current activities and plans in the field of energy in the Frydlant microregion – Mr. Petr Pavek, mayor of Jindrichovice pod Smrkem, head of Frydlant microregion and deputy of the Liberec region
- Microregions have started to appear before approx. 4 years in order to arrange an access of municipalities to state subsidies. One of them is also the Frydlant microregion or smaller SeCeSe microregion. There are several common activities like the Frydlant Water Supply Association. It is not important, what is a common problem, it is important to meet and try to find a common solution. Because this is not always possible, participation of consultants and assistance and support from the European Commission is welcome.
- A special position of the Frydlant microregion – clearly bordered region (south border – Jizerske mountains, 3 other sides – state border with Poland), close distance to Bogatynia coal mines and Turow power plant (environmental problems), poverty, high unemployment and lack of interest from the centre (state, the Liberec region administration). On the other hand, there is a unique and beautiful nature. The apparent disadvantages may become an advantage – there are no current limits for start-up
activities, it may be easier than anywhere else.
- High unemployment rate – people that are not easy to be employed. In the past they were employed by state-owned enterprises and farms, there was an extremely high inflow of financial and other resources in order to keep the people living in the region. Many unemployed people are people with low qualification that need to be employed but it is not easy to find a job for them. There are some potential solutions of the problem – fundation of eco-farms, agrotourism, energy crops planting and biomass processing.
- Energy crops have a future but we have to be aware that there are certain limits – the mass introduction of energy crops of monocultures will damage environment and landscape. One has to consider future of the region and this is for example ecofarming and tourism. A complex, balanced and sustainable approach is necessary – sustainable development is the future of the microregion.
- Our culture and civilisation is very dependent on energy and its monopolistic supply systems. I do not support centralised systems and central resources. I support distributed generation and supply of energy. Apparently environment-friendly natural gas is currently presented as an optimal solution for replacement of solid fuels, however, we cannot affect reliability of its supply and its prices. It is better to invest more money at the beginning and to have lower operation costs later on. In the SeCeSe microregion we have been looking for a solution after getting decission of gas supplier that extension of gas network into this microregion had not been feasible. We have been looking for a solution of self-sufficiency in energy supply. There are already 3 years of work behind us. The result is a biomass fired heating plant supplying municipal buildings, and we have been successful in obtaining state support of CZK 63 million (Euro 2 million). We do have a project of wind farm project ready for implementation.
- Mr. Steklý, executive of Frydlant heat Supply Company: Frydlant – the district heating company supplies 1300 flats by heat, 14 MW capacity in gas fired boilers in the district heating and also operation of small sources owned by municipality. No concept in biomass utilisation in the region. Problems with emission from biomass combustion – recent study of Prague Chemical Technology University. After recent accident at Opatovice CHP plant supplying Pardubice and Hradec Králové (150 000 consumers without heating for several weeks) – it is necessary to provide also emergency backup source that would solve disruptions in supply of gas. Switch to heat pumps in a small sources is also an option (schools). It is necessary that the sources of heat will be both economically viable and environment-friendly. There also should be solutions to these problems outlined in the project.
- G. Ulz, LEV – The same discussions took place in the current EU countries 20 years ago. There should be lessons to be learned from the development in Europe. Liberalisation of the energy market is to come to the Czech Republic as well. There will be obligation to have a certain share of RES in the energy balance and in electricity production. The requirements of the Directive on energy efficiency in buildings should also be taken into account.
- B. Eue, ITUT – returns to the topic of financing. It is not common and easy to obtain financing for good projects. If you go in the way that Mr. Pavek outlined, there is a chance. There is, however, a low density of population in the microregion and therefore also low income. This can be an advantage – possibility of obtaining resources from EU funds. Our task in the project is, in cooperation with Austrian partners, to define and identify financial resources for implementation of concrete projects. We met a number of municipal and regional politicians in the last 3 years and we are familiar with the situation and we are here in order to co-operate with you.
- P. Pavek – Influence on legislation development process – we should not underestimate our possibilities of affecting process of legislation development. There are currently two limiting ways – one is a direct adaptation to EU legislation and the second one is an effort to avoid the legislation and procurement of interests of lobby groups. Our way to procure our interest is closer to a second way and this can be our strong point. With a good concept and finished projects we can enter into legislation development process.
- P. Pavek – The results of project should be directly useable as a background for regional development planning.
- G. Ulz, LEV – Are there possibilities of exchange of local politicians envisaged in the project and is there a financing for this activity available within a project? One of the ideas – visit of local politicians at the conference and exhibition in Austrian Wels in March 2003. There is a trip to Wells organised by the Energy Centre Èeské Budìjovice and thus it would be possible invite local politicians to join the trip.
- M. Maly, ENVIROS – There is no finance to organise the exchange of local politicians within this project. We will try to find out possibilities of financing from other sources – Technology park of Academy of Sciences, Czech Energy Agency. Possibility to visit biomass and wind energy utilisation project in close Ostritz in Germany.
- J. Jakubes, ENVIROS – promised to investigate the possibility to join the trip to Wells.
- B. Eue, ITUT – Invited for TerraTec and Enertec exhibitions in Leipzig 11. – 14. 3. 2003.
- P. Pavek – The final product should contain also evaluation of potential of economic benefits for the municipalities.
- Introductory presentation of the project “Integrated Energy Plan of Frydlant Microregion” introduction of the members of project team and brief summary of objectives, contents, terms, outcomes and time schedule of the project (Jaroslav Jakubes, ENVIROS)
- Presentation included in and Annex 2 to the Minutes.
- Detailed presentation of the contents of individual phases of work programme and tasks of each member in the project (Jaroslav Jakubes, ENVIROS)
- Presentation included in and Annex 3 to the Minutes.
- Proposal and discussion about the role and members of the project Steering Committee
- M. Maly, ENVIROS – presented proposal for a composition of Steering committee:
- Czech Energy Agency – Ing. Plockova
- State Environmental Fund – representative of Atmosphere protection department (Mr. Kuzel or Ms. Ledvinovaá) eventually also representative of RES department
- Representative of the Liberec region administration
- Representative of the Frydlant microregion – Mr. Pavek
- Representatives of municipalities – Mr. Stribrny (mayor of Hermanice), Mr. Strnad, (mayor of Bulovka), Mrs. Matuskova (mayor of Visnova)
- P. Pavek – recommends also participants of Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) and Ministry of Environment (MoE) in the Steering Committee.
- M. Maly – CEA represents MIT, however, promised to inform MIT and ask for nomonation of representative into the Steering Committeee.
- P. Pavek – will try to find a representative of MoE in the Steering Committee.
- G. Ulz, LEV – Association of municipalites – perfect partner in Austria – would it be possible here?
- P. Pavek – Association of municipalites is not a good partner, some of the municipalities pulled out of membership in it.
- J. Jakubes, ENVIROS – based on discussion with representative of the Liberec region administration (had to leave earlier) it is proposed that the representative of the Liberec region administration will not be a formal member of the project Steering Committee (conflict of interests, etc..). However, Mr. Prokes and Mrs. Vargova, who are responsible for energy planning at the level of the Liberec region will participate at working meetings and will be in contact with local partners (POWER SERVICE, ENVIROS). Mr. Pavek is also deputy of the Liberec region, therefore there is a formal participant from the Liberec region in. The role of the Steering Committee is to provide feedback, proposals and comments to project Consortium, will have direct access to the results of the work during the project and will play a role of communication channel between all stakeholders. The composition of the Steering Committee is opened and may change during the project.
- Final proposal of composition of the Steering Committee:
- Czech Energy Agency – Ing. Plockova
- State Environmental Fund – representative of Atmosphere protection department (Mr. Kuzel or Mrs. Ledvinova) eventually also representative of RES department
- Frydlant microregion / Liberec region – Mr. Pavek
- Municipalities – Mr. Stribrny (mayor of Hermanice), Mr. Strnad, (mayor of Bulovka), Mrs. Matuskova (mayor of Visnova)
- Presentation of each project partner, key capabilities and role in the project (moderated by Miroslav Maly, ENVIROS)
- J. Jakubes, ENVIROS – brief presentation of ENVIROS and its role in the project (See Annex 4 to the Minutes).
- A. Kottnauer, POWER SERVICE – Comprehensive analysis + energy balance presented in GIS, over the base map and in aggregation to municipalities and parts of municipalities. The results of this project will be a base for energy concept development at the level of the Liberec region. Relations to regional planning documents of municipalities and larger regions. Potential of RES and RUE. It is a matter of interes to identify barriers in order to provide good results.
- H. Rally / G. Ulz, LEV – Presentation of activities – energy concepts of Styria and Graz, assistance in preparation of energy concepts of municipalities.. Key importance and role of biomass. Total 198 MW of capacity in biomass, both large and small systems. Solar energy – also important, successful „do it yourself “ campaign.
- S. Janus / B. Eue – ITUT – Role in project – 3 key areas:
- Identification of sources of financing from both German and international sources based on long-term experience and relations.
- Transfer of technologies – what (German) technologies will be available, incl. feasibility studies.
- Leading Phase 4 and participating in preparation of the Energy plan and Action plan in the field of financing.
- Very good possibility of presentation of results of the project including concrete projects identification in the contact network of ITUT.
- Discussion
- P. Pavek – Experiences will be of great value for us. It is a question where is the division between ac closed and finished document and future development from the social and economic points of view. It is not only a matter of technological dynamics but also a matter of social development dynamics, local Agenda 21 – we have to find ways how to incorporate also inputs from citizens.
- G. Ulz, LEV and B. Eue, ITUT – Most common changes are not technological ones but political ones – if a local politician moves to higher level, it is not common that his/her successor would adopt the same concept. The problem is also a little number of active people at the community level.
- P. Stastny, mayor of Detrichov – There are exceptional conditions for wind power project – 8 m/s, high stability, but there is a conflict with nature/bird protection – project stopped. Air traffic control post – another issue. What are possibilities and experiences?
- P. Pavek – We have sufficient experience and knowledge in project development and financing. Very good conditions for wind energy in the microregion. The problem is that there are being offered out-of-date technologies that we are not interested in. We have made a review of offers for wind power technology for our wind power project and only supplier that meets our criteria is a German company Enercon.
- G. Ulz, LEV – Exceptional conditions for wind power are quite rare, therefore it is quite hard to believe it in the conditions of microregion. It is necessary to have at least 6 measurement points. It will be also necessary to meet conditions of EU including nature and landscape protection. Even in Austria, where the environmantal legislation was in place, the environmental limits were strenghtened. This concerns particularly of unforested mountain parts. It is necessara to consider realistic conditions in the region that require also complicated planning procedures. There have to be available a very detailed information and data about the potential localities. This has to be solved locally. The problems with air traffic control can be solved – there are clear directions and legislation, contact Air Traffic Control Administration.
- P. Pavek – Development of a project of 2 wind turbines in Jindrichovice pod Smrkem is a great experience and it is our contribution to know-how. Many projects have ended unsuccessfully due to dilletantism during the project development. It is necessary to look for potential sites very carefully. One of the potential results of the project would be an exact delimitation of areas suitable for windpower project development.
- Mr. Bren, Frydlant municipality – Problematic development of wind power project in Albrechtice. It is necessary to identify suitable sites/areas in the regional development plan of the Liberec region and after that in regional development plans of individual municipalities.
- P. Pavek – Situation in Albrechtice is a typical example of „gold mining“ and abus of current situation.
- LEV – Will send the ragional authorities a brochure concerning bird flight corridors vs. wind energy.
- End of public part of session
- Lunch break
- Start of working session
- Responsible persons, guidelines J. Jakubes, ENVIROS – Responsible persons for each partner’s work, contribution and communication have to be selected. Persons selected and agreed:
Leader of each phase is to produce guidelines for each phase.
- Contract issues (J. Jakubes)
- Official project start date: 1. January 2003
- Official project end date: 31. January 2004
- Deadline for submission of the Final Report: 31. March 2004
- Payment issues (J. Jakubes, ENVIROS)
- Project budget – according to contract, Commission has to pay within 60 days.
- Unfortunately not possible to arrange more advanced payments – ENVIROS was not able to arrange bank guarantee, therefore the following payment schedule is expected:
- 1st Advanced payment – 70 % after submission and approval of the Interim Report (September/October 2003)
- 2nd payment – 30 % after submission and approval of Final Report (February/March 2003)
- G. Ulz, LEV – Check the payment with the Commission as the advanced (30% at project launch) and interim (40%) payment regards because the advanced payment is mentioned in the Contract, Annex 1.
- M. Maly, ENVIROS – ENVIROS as project co-ordinator will check and clarify the advanced payments issues personally with the Commission and will let the partners know asap.
- Next meeting
- J. Jakubes, ENVIROS – Next meeting will take place after finishing the Phase 2 and Phase 3.
- All partners preliminarily agreed on 1st week of July, probably Friday.
- Phase 1 – Finalisation of Inception Report
- J. Jakubes, ENVIROS – 1st phase – in 2 weeks will be prepared a proposal of the Inception Report for comments to partners, after that to be sent to the Commission
- Presentation of contents of individual phases of work programme, proposed role of individual partners in the project, outputs of individual phases, reporting, project meetings, workshops and dissemination activities (J. Jakubes, ENVIROS) The are 6 phases:
- 1st Phase – Inception phase nearly finished
- 2nd Phase – Analysis
- 3rd Phase – RUE and RES measures
- 4th phase – Integrated Energy Plan
- 5th phase – Action Plan
- 6th Dissemination
For details, see presentation of individual phases of work programme (Annex 8).
- Phase 2 + 3 discussion
- LEV – It is necessary to collect emission figures. Keep data collection phase at a realistic size, not to spend too much time.
- ENVIROS – a good background information is available from REZZO (register of emissions sources) database + national census from 2001.
- ENVIROS – will design a questionnaire for municipalities, LEV will comment on the contents of the questionnaire. After that, ENVIROS + POWER SERVICE will use it to collect data from the municipalities – personal contact is highly recommended.
- LEV – would be involved in RES data assessments. Chimney cleaners are one of good direct sources of information about heating system.
- LEV – Software on calcullation of sunshine in valleys could be provided by LEV to help with simulation for calculation – could be used to produce map of the potential.
- Outcome of the Phase 2 – paper – necessary to discuss data and to get feedbacks. – 5 of 18 municipalities would be enough to discuss with.
- LEV – Work also with NGOs and other people, mention them in the report and thank them. This shows their involvement.
- It has been agreed that the final structure of the Phase 4 + 5 would be agreed during the next meeting in July.
- ENVIROS – Web-site – a common web-site will be developed by ENVIROS, but project partners are asked to put basic info about the project to their web site.
- LEV – Mgr. Gerhard Bittersmann – contact person at LEV (web-master)
- ENVIROS – dissemination – project partners are asked to inform about the project in their newsletters/presentations/publications if possible.
- End of working session
- Site visit at Jindrichovice biomass heating source

Minutes elaborated by M. Maly and J. Jakubes, ENVIROS, 12. 2. 2003. |